Eastwood: It’s now my firm belief that the UK is ending

Colum EastwoodColum Eastwood
Colum Eastwood
The leader of the SDLP declared in the House of Commons that he feels the end of the UK is drawing nearer – but added that he eschews “thoughtless triumphalism” over the issue.

Colum Eastwood, speaking via videolink in the Brexit debate today, also sought to drew a sharp line between himself and supporters of violent republicanism, saying a new future cannot be built “upon the rubble of our past”.

He said: “My firm view now is that the United Kingdom is coming to an end.

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“I say this in the full understanding that many in my community will see the break-up of the Union as a tragedy, and I fully respect that position.

“Just because I believe that the Union is ending does not mean I say it in a tone of thoughtless triumphalism...

“We need to conduct the coming conversation with patience, care and compassion.”

He added that “my fellow nationalists: there is no future in glorifying the ugliness of our past; stop pretending that murdering unarmed farmers up country lanes was somehow heroic”.

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He referred three times to the Province as “Northern Ireland”, and not once as “the North”.

He also said he had a message for “my Unionist neighbours”, as follows:

“I want to say this – look at where the DUP has led you and look at where London has left you.”

Read more on Brexit from this reporter:

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